My Philosophy

I firmly believe that every individual and every team has the potential to surpass themselves. My work is characterized by the power of community, the joy of creating fresh ideas, and the passion for sharing knowledge and learning together. Thereby, my focus remains on what matters most: clarity, enthusiasm, and a very straightforward and uncomplicated communication and collaboration – from our first contact to ongoing support.

My Guiding Principles

  • Unlock the Power of a Group: Bring people together and use our collective power to solve challenges
  • Boost creative ideas: explore fresh ways, think outside the box and have the courage to try out
  • Learn and Teach: Strive for continuous growth, learn from the best and pass on learnings to support others´ growth as well
  • Spark Enthusiasm and Optimism: Fully embrace life and allow myself and others to dream
  • Keep it simple! : Be fast, straightforward and take it easy!


The individual is always at the center of my training and workshops. Your unique needs are my top priority. I like the terms Mindset & Heartset. Not only are these concepts that I intend to establish within your teams, but they also represent the how I work, my approach to collaboration: with a modern and fresh mindset combined with depth and heart.

Methods and Techniques

I work with a variety of methods, drawing from classical coaching, team coaching and change management trainings, modern advancements from U.S. universities (my current focus is on Theory U), from the inspiring books that I enjoy, and of course, many reflective and practical exercises from my own life and experiences. It’s always a colorful mix of creative and scientifically grounded approaches.

I don’t hesitate to blend, mix and customize methods, always tailoring them to what I believe will benefit you the most.

My Superpower: LEGO Serious Play

Using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, we bring creativity and efficiency into your workshops. This method promotes effective meetings, creative solutions, team cohesion, and the swift implementation of action plans. It allows us to dive deep into the issues at hand and make complex ideas and challenges visible through building with LEGO bricks. The result? Clarity, engagement, and solutions that are truly actionable.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • Creativity and Efficiency: Building with your hands leads to deep, innovative ideas.
  • Flat Hierarchies: Everyone is equally involved, regardless of their position in the company.
  • Clear Visualization: Complex topics become tangible and understandable.
  • Team Cohesion: Solutions developed together strengthen team unity and engagement.
  • It’s Fun! 😊

How Does It Work? 

Participants build individual models from LEGO bricks in response to targeted questions. These 3D models then serve as the foundation for in-depth group processes, problem-solving, and decision-making. The method enables the release of creative ideas and the development of sustainable solutions.

LEGO Serious Play brings fresh energy into traditional workshop formats, creating an environment where true innovation and collaboration can thrive. It’s more than just a creative process – it’s an experience that has a lasting impact and elevates your team to a new level.

And this is how we work together

1.    Customized Planning: Tailored to your specific needs, I design a customized offering for you. This could range from a short keynote presentation to a multi-module training program – whatever suits your requirements best.

2.    Training and Workshops: These are conducted either virtually or in-person. We’ll determine what works best for you. Both formats have their distinct advantages. Also my virtual sessions are highly interactive, creative, and engaging, with continuous participant involvement.


3.  Feedback and Reflection: After the sessions, we engage in feedback and reflection loops together. I will also provide updates and reflection questions approximately every three months to help advance your process and ensure ongoing progress. Follow-up meetings are always an option, as well.

If you have other ideas in mind – just let me know. I’m flexible and can accommodate many possibilities!